The Solecast Episode 10 w/ Graham Clumpner of Iraq Veterans Against The War

graham clumpner ivaw

Episode 10 marks the official relaunch of the Solecast with my man Graham Clumpner of Iraq Veterans Against the War.  Since returning from Afghanistan Graham has dedicated himself to ending US imperialism and has extended that work to a broader critique of our unsustainable society.  Graham speaks in depth about the evolution of police, organizing, and the role war veterans can play in social movements.  Much of Graham's current work is related to combatting  climate change and environmental destruction; always pointing to the impact climate has on war and unrest.

follow Graham on twitter @turncoatveteran
follow Iraq Veterans Against The War on twitter @ivaw
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The Solecast Episode 9 w/ Scott Crow


Episode 9's guest is Scott Crow. Scott Crow is a long time community organizer, activist, and strategist.  He was one of the core organizers for the Common Ground Collective; an anarchist inspired project to help rebuild New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.  Scott is a "U.S. terrorist watchlist alumni" who has continued to do amazing organizing work in the face of government surveillance & repression.  Scott has a very human and honest anarchist perspective that we can all take away from.

The Solecast Episode 8 w/ Jared Paul

Jared Paul

Jared Paul is one of my biggest influences as far as combining art & "activism" goes.  For years he toured as lead singer for Prayers For Athiests, and as an opening act with Sage Francis and participant in Strange Famous Records. J ared Paul is a national slam champion, vegan, anti-capitalist, and is one the realest cats in the game. Check out his music/poetry/activism at   This interview was conducted over skype and a few points there are minor glitches, for that i apologize, blame the NSA ;)

The Solecast Episode 7 w/ Jason Hribal

Jason Hribal

On the solecast #7 I speak with Jason Hribal… author of Fear Of The Animal Planet.   Jason Hribal's work looks at the history of animals from the perspective that they are active participants in history, that they shape our world, are intelligent and emotional creatures capable of acts of compassion, joy and most importantly; resistance.  Fear of The Animal Planet is for animal liberation what People's History of the United States is to US history.  In this interview we talk a lot about an interview he did on "Animal Voices" about how animals are part of the working class, you can hear the interview with "Animal Voices" here.   This isn't some preachy vegan shit, this is a very serious and new way of looking at animals.   Anyone who lives with animals, visits zoos & forests, or lives in this world can benefit from taking in his work and reflecting on it.   Towards the end of the interview Jason talks about how they've begun slaughtering wild horses in New Mexico, according to the Earth First! Newswire, on July 30th one of these slaughterhouses was burned to the ground.    

The Solecast Episode 6 w/ Busdriver


Busdriver is a rapper from Los Angeles. He got his start with the Project Blowed / Good Life movement.  For those who don't know what Project Blowed is, I would argue that it is the scene that paved the way for artists like early anticon & Bone thugs and Harmony.  Busdriver epitomizes experimental rap crafstmanship, over the course of his career he has constantly pushed the envelope more then almost any other rapper.  He has a ton of records out, his latest full length album; Beaus$eros is out on Fake Four Inc.    We talked about Project blowed, experimentation within music, "The Feed," Los Angeles, Hollywood, perpetual war, Israel, file sharing, major label astroturfing ,the european and american cultural experience, music careers, the one man rap show, and the Hellfyre Club Collective.