Solecast 18 w/ Mike Eagle

Listen to the interview on Unicorn Riot.

Listen to the interview on Unicorn Riot.

Subscribe to the Solecast here.

An interview with LA experimental rap artist; Mike Eagle. A wide ranging conversation on the artistic process, work, race, indie hip-hop, the rise of fascism in the states, widespread ignorance as a virtue, and Mike’s origins as a Chicago rapper. Mike talks about Black Lives Matter, class divisions in Los Angeles, his origins as a battle rapper and how that & comedy informs his take on rap music.

His latest project: Cavanaugh w/ Serengetti
His last solo album: “Dark Comedy”
His podcast: Secret Skin here

Mansbestfriend 7

Listen / Buy via bandcamp

This album is an epic poem i wrote during the uprisings over the past year. Its a about the anthropocene; this man made world of garbage and dead time.  Its written in the style I used to write all my music in a decade ago; one long piece that doesn’t rhyme and is written without music. The result is a very interesting kind of throwback sound made using an old SP404.

Initially this record was called “The Black Box” and it was meant to be a testament of our times; but I ended up using that title for the record label instead, because hey, that's what all music should be.

MBF7 is also the first release I’ve put out that is neither a CD or a tape or a book, but somewhere in between. The physical version of this album is a 32 page poetry book with a linen paper hybrid cover. This is not a pre-order’ the books begin shipping next week.

Also featuring musical contributions from 2 of Denver's finest:
Greg Ziemba of Rubedo playing drums
Tom Murphy of Pythian Whispers playing guitars
Mastered by Skyrider

In Depth Interview with Its Going Down

Check out this amazing interview I did w/  Its Going Down.   I was shocked to be asked to do an interview for this website, it was a project I had been watching from afar that promotes radical actions happening all over the country, almost as an alternative to places like facebook.  

This interview came out really great, they asked me a lot of questions no one has asked me before.   Read it here and bookmark the website because its an incredible news source. 

Sole & DJ Pain 1 "Def2AmeriKKKa" Tour

Death Drive

7/22 Denver The Walnut Room
7/23 CO Springs Flux Capacitor
7/24 FT Collins Gnu Gallery
7/26 Boise The Shredder
7/28 Missoula The Real Lounge
7/29 Seattle The Vera Project
7/31 PDX @ Blackwater Bar
8/1 Reno The Holland Project
8/2 Sacramento @ Blue Lamp
8/3 SF The Elbo Room
8/4 San Clemente @ OCTavern
8/5 LA Low End Theory
8/6 Las Vegas @ Backyard BBQ
8/7 Scottsdale @ Rogue Bar *
8/8 Las Cruces, NM *
8/9 ABQ, NM @ Burts Bar *

* (solo sole shows)

Solecast #15 w/ Scott Olsen

Click here to hear the interview

Scott Olsen is an organizer/activist with the Iraq Veterans Against The War.  He was thrust into the spotlight when Oakland Police Department injured with a flash bang grenade, the severity of his wounds was one of the causes for Occupy Oakland to call for the first general strikes  of our time.  This event sent Scott on a lifelong course of revolutionary work. 

In our interview we talk about militarism home and abroad, surveillance, ISIS, Kobane and the Kurdish autonomy movement, we talk about current movements against the police and have a general conversation about where things are going.  We also talk about a new intentional community Scott is developing in Wisconsin based around permaculture & resistance. 

For more info on Scott follow him on twitter @olsenvet

The Solecast Ep 14 w/ Randy Greenback on the Military Entertainment Complex

Randy Greenback is a game designer.  He's worked on various games, from The Official American Army video game, to his most recent game "Fat Chicken."  Randy helped launched Relevant Games, and is a video game designer concerned with creating ethical video games that can entertain and get people thinking differently about the world.  Our interview mainly focuses on his experiences working with the American Army video game, Tom Clancy titles, and a lot of chilling behind the scenes information on how video games are actually made.  We discuss his personal philosophy about gaming and we talk about games we like, specifically "This War of Mine" among others.  

Randy also helped put together the video for "Bad Captain Swag" w/ Lil B and the official SOLE app. 

For More info on Randy check him out on twitter

"Getting into game design has never been easier, everyone who is interested should at least try it!" - Randy Greenback

Listen to WHITENOISE streaming in full!

Pre-order WHITENOISE : RUINS on Bandcamp

Everywhere we look we are surrounded by the ruins of a world we inherited. A world that feels empty yet is overflowing with “stuff.” As the natural world disappears, authentic life goes with it and we are left to dwell in its ruins. This critique existed before anyone called  it the Anthropocene, and the problem will remain long after the academic speeches on it end. The world is on fire in some places, and in other places it has already frozen over.
Although RUINS is an instrumental record; it is agit-prop that takes up the age old challenge of what it means to “go beyond art.” The idea with WHITENOISE has always been to provide a mood & space for critical  thought. It is not enough for us to merely make a dance tune, it must be a subersive dance tune, otherwise why dance at all?
The music on WHITENOISE is mostly played off IPADS, into samplers,  through old cassette 8 tracks. The source material ranges from early electronic music, rap classics to hollywood movies. In the tradition of early industrial music’s usage of “cut ups” we take the trash thats laying around and try to make something useful with it. There can be beauty in decay, peace in confusion, inspiration in the constant deluge of information. Whether we failed or succeeded doesn’t matter, because no one will be around to judge us but cockroaches and ice.

We do hope you enjoy the record.

(WHITENOISE) operates in a template that is rooted in Bomb Squad cacophony, but well-equipped to grace the Low End Theory stages...The danger rap of whitenoise is a sensory overload of terror-transmissions against glimmers of hope, suffocated and claustrophobic – it is facing atrocities head on and processing them through Akai MPC compositions.  -IMPOSE MAG

The Solecast Ep. 13 w/ Terese Howard of Denver Homeless Out Loud

Click here to listen.
Join us for an in-depth discussion about homelessness, the criminalization of the poor, and the disappearance of public space with Terese Howard of Denver Homeless Out Loud.  Terese is a long term anti-capitalist organizer in the city of Denver, she was one of the architects of the Occupy Denver teach ins and when the "urban camping ban" was passed in Denver she helped found Denver Homeless Out Loud.   Beyond just building Tiny Homes and advocating for the homeless, the main project they are focusing on right now is the "Right To Rest Act" aka the "Homeless Bill of Rights" which is currently being pushed in Colorado, California and Oregon.  For more information visit

WHITENOISE Skymall Video & Album Pre-order

For the past year or so Yasamin and I have been working on our followup to WHITENOISE. The first WHITENOISE was mostly just beats I couldn’t rap to that she played keyboards on.  On the new album its a band, switching back and forth between sequencing, instrumentation, etc.  I’m very excited with where this project is headed and super stoked to play some live shows this year.   The album drops March 23rd on Black Box Tapes

Pre-order WHITENOISE : RUINS on Bandcamp.

The first video for WHITENOISE is a mash up of car commercials, which have been “detourned” into anti-commercials for the anthropocene.   Its well known one of the best ways to earn a living from instrumental music is selling music to things like car commercials, so to invert the car commercial and turn it against the system seems only fair.   Watch the video here and if you like it, share it around.   Below are examples of the tapestries and prayer flags.