In this episode of the solecast i sit down with my homey James Rotten of Denver Communists. In this conversation we are mostly discussing “Confront La Migra” and the organizing that lead to a 200+ Abolish Ice house demo at the home of the warden of the Aurora Ice Concentration Camp. We talk about some strategic and controversial/experimental decisions that were made, that lead to this escalation in tactics and a successful action. We also discuss the media backlash, navigating liberalism and turning right wing attempts to spread misinformation into fodder for movement building.
James is someone I worked with and hung out with a lot in Denver so this conversation is a nice mix of shit talk and analysis of the complex organizing dynamics in that area. We also talk about the dissolution of the Denver ISO and the national organization in general. James is someone whose approach to mass organizing has always inspired me and I’m happy to share his thoughts here . Long live (so called) Denver and all the comrades fighting back against ICE!